ami-bovvered's Diaryland Diary


Not too proud... to ask nicely

Dear Mother Nature,
I love you. I really do. I love your rain and thunder storms (can do with out the tornados, though, thank you). But I kinda sorta wanted to work on my garden space this weekend, and I needed to mow and weedeat. But that's okay. I understand you have other things that you need to do than worry about if I get lots of home grown veggies this summer. I still love you, and I will really appreciate the rain once I do get the garden going.

You Rock, Mom Nature!

(fingers crossed, hoping that worked)

~~Later in the day~~

So it turns out that Mom isn't so hard to reason with. She gave me some time to go outside and get some stuff done after all. I didn't move dirt like I wanted to because I don't have insurance and can't afford to risk having a heart attack. That stuff gets heavy when it's wet! Worse than shoveling heavy snow, and I come from up north so I have shoveled a lot of snow. Well, I've SEEN a lot of snow being shoveled, and wow, it looks hard. After shoveling for about 15 minutes, I ended up clearing some brambles instead (I think that's what they're called). Now I'm nice and scratched up, but it needed to be done. I think the bees are mad at me though. There were still flowers on them and the bees were busy as... um... bees. So I made a deal with them: they could keep sucking on the blooms as I worked, as long as they left me alone. Truth be known, they could've said, "no deal" and flown in my general direction and I would've went running away like a little girl. I'm pretty sure that's what happened last year which is why they are so out of control this year. They behaved themselves this time, so I made some good progress, yay me!

2:13 p.m. - 2011-05-15


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