ami-bovvered's Diaryland Diary


Is it still against the law to beat up little kids?

So I have an amazing 11 year old daughter who, like me, has chosen to be a vegetarian for ethical reasons. I think it's a wonderful thing that shows her sensitivity and compassion for all living things. The kids at her school, however, apparently don't feel the same way I do. Ever since she made this decision almost 2 years ago, she has had to put up with ridicule at school. One girl told her she's going to die because she doesn't eat meat. Most kids simply don't understand why she won't eat it, but they don't all say mean things. One boy has given her the hardest time about it, but we figured out it's because he likes her. He has calmed down about it during this last year, but he still teases her some. And then other boys will wave some form of highly processed meat in her face and say, "You know you want to eat it."

What happened yesterday has me almost ready to bust into that classroom, tear a few new ones, then leave them shaking in their wet, little boy undies. She takes her lunch to school nearly everyday because there are on average only about 3 days out of the month that the school lunch doesn't have meat mixed in in some form. These 3 boys were apparently trying to sneak some pieces of meat into the lunch that she brought :( I can't tell you how much it would've devastated her if she had unknowingly eaten a piece of meat. She would've cried for sure, and she most likely would've vomited right there in the lunch room. I don't understand why these kids have such a problem with her being a vegetarian. She doesn't bother them with it. She doesn't push her views on them or try to get them to stop eating meat. She isn't hurting anyone. So why are they so offended?? It isn't even a case of them being bullies and her being their victim. She has a lot of friends and these kids are all supposedly her friends too. I dunno. It's just very frustrating and upsetting that she has to go through this. She made this decision herself, and she knows that she can decide to eat meat again at any time if she wants to. But she doesn't want to. Even if it means she will have to endure this sort of behavior forever. And THAT makes me very proud of her. She has more conviction than a lot of adults.


8:42 a.m. - 2011-05-12


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